Saturday, May 27, 2006

Why does it got to feel so bad?

there is a very strong reason why i'm writing this here.

'ridin' with the king' has been playing for a while now. i can't seem to digest the fact that the guy who cut this album, with one of his gurus, has been putting out stuff that defies all sense of proportion or musical sensiblities.

why in the world would anyone who has cut ' beano', ' disreali gears' , 'blind faith' , and ' layla ' a few other pretty decent albums, end up putting on wax something that doesn't even qualify as an amateur effort. infact how can he?!!

i've been feeling ripped off for a while now. ' from the cradle ' was a very good effort to do what he's really good at and he did a very good job. but his last few releases are really disgustingly bad. can any human being become like this?

he was someone who was hailed as god. and even appealed to atheists like me. but now, no way. no. no way. it's wrong. it's cheating. it's blasphemous.

this guy is capable of more. lot more. lot lot lot. we all know that. i guess someone needs to tell him.

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